Northern California

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Entering California felt like quite the accomplishment as it marked the furthest state from home I will be entering. I decided to check out the Red Woods and stick to camping in California as it’s quite expensive to be staying in hostels in California. After the bill for motorcycle i basically blew my entire monthly budget so I will be tenting it from now on.

The drought here in California is quite evident since everything is dry and there is a burning ban on all campfires. I often find myself rerouting my trip as many roads are closed due to wild fires. On the plus side there is basically no rain so my riding plans are pretty much guaranteed to have awesome weather. I’ve met many fellow bikers all over California and every single one told me to take the coastal highway. I decided to take their advice despite it setting me a day behind schedule and I must say I am very happy I listened. I haven’t been able to get out of 3rd gear for the last 3 days of travel since its one bend after the other and the roadside view is both spectacular and frightening as it’s a 50’ drop into the ocean if you make one wrong turn. It defiantly keeps you on your toes when riding the highway 1 along the coast but I haven’t been able to wipe the smile off my face after each turn overlooking the ocean.